
Thank you for taking the time to read what I have to say, even if it doesn't always make sense.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Am a Human Being

I am not an inanimate object,
so don’t treat me like one.
I cannot be broken in to a million pieces,
but I can feel like I have been.
I experience feelings;
sadness, anger, excitement, happiness.
I’m not here for your amusement
or pleasure.
I can be lost
and never found,
if you let that happen,
but I cannot be replaced,
so don’t try.
I know how it feels to be hurt
and I know how it feels to be loved.
Don’t take either of those away from me
by treating me like I don’t have feelings.
They make me who I am.
I would think that you’d understand where I’m coming from, considering.
Do not act like you can place me on a shelf
and forget about me
while I collect dust.
I won’t be there for you to dust me off
and use again.
I deserve better.
I know how to cry;
how to smile.
Laughter comes naturally.I’m not some robot,
just going about my business,
unable to learn;
unable to feel.
I am a human being,
so treat me like one.

1 comment:

  1. Brava! I'm saving all your writings. I'm going to get it published.
